Why Your Travel Insurance Claims Can Be Denied

Travelling is a good experience one can have in his lifetime. Most travelers opt to buy a travel insurance coverage to be “safe and secured” when something does not go according to plan or something unexpected happens. Before buying a travel insurance, it is very crucial for customers to understand first what the insurance does and does not cover. It is not guaranteed that you’ll be inevitably covered when anything goes wrong. Misinterpretation of an insurance policy can lead you disappointed when your travel insurance claim is denied in time that you most need it.

What if your travel insurance claim gets rejected in time that you most need it? The following are the most common reasons why your claim can get rejected:

Undeclared pre-existing conditions

When buying a travel insurance, state if you have a pre-existing medical condition. Some insurers will cover medical conditions for an additional cost while others may not. If you fail to disclose this info, then your attempt to make a travel insurance claim will be possibly denied when your medical records are consulted. Check and comply with all the rules set by the provider. Remember this particular insurance coverage is intended for unexpected injury and illness only.

Incomplete forms and documentation

Another reason why your travel insurance claim can be denied is simply that of an incomplete form, missing important information or are filled out incorrectly. Always make sure that your form is filled out properly and completely. All the necessary attachments are included before you send off your claims such as doctors’ certificate, police report (for theft or loss of item), purchase receipts for your valuables or even the travel delay confirmation from the carrier.

Participating in adventurous or dangerous activities

Travel insurance policies have different coverage in terms of sporting activities and adventure they cover. Usually, they don’t cover extreme sports which are deemed dangerous but an additional premium may be available for activities such as parasailing, jumping, trekking at heights, etc. Make sure to check the activities your provider covers before you sign up to a certain holiday activity.

Unapproved destinations (against WHO or FCO advice)

Some insurers will only cover for specified destinations and, usually, they don’t cover locations which the Foreign and Commission Office or the Whole Health Organization have advised against travel.

Alcohol intoxication or Drug Use

If you lost valuables, damaged a personal item or have an accident while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, your travel insurance claim is likely to be considered invalid. Though you are travelling to enjoy your life, be responsible and just keep everything in moderation.

Illegal/reckless behavior

Fraudulent, dishonest and illegal behavior such as going to restricted locations and unauthorized use of facilities are not covered by any insurance. Always abide by all the rules and regulations to avoid any problem during your trip.

Unattended baggage

Take note that unattended items will not be covered unless they’re in a locked hotel safe or in a secure car boot. When you claim for a lost item, always get a police report regarding the incident or ask the hotel or travel operator to give you a written statement – this will help with your travel insurance claim.

Events that happen before buying the travel insurance

Events that already happened before you bought an insurance, apparently, won’t be covered. If you claim for it then it will be rejected and could even be considered as fraudulent.

As much as possible, we want everything to go as planned: before, during and after our trip. But there are really some instances that something would go wrong and a stress-free and straightforward processing of a claim can ease the situation.

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