Travel During a Recession – It’s the Best Time to Vacation

Most people thing that to travel during a recession is a bad idea. They get worried about the money they will be spending, instead of saving, for rough times. However, contrary to popular belief, the best time to vacation is actually during a recession.

When economic times are tough people hold off on spending. This causes many businesses to become stressed. Competition becomes fierce among competing businesses whom often get caught in a price war – whoever offers the lowest price gets the few customers available.

This creates ample opportunities for the traveler to travel cheaper than ever. Airlines drastically lower their prices, hotels continuously promote special deals on room rates, restaurant prices drop, entrance fees to many attractions are reduced and even expensive vacation packages get their prices slashed.

The person who keeps their eyes open to opportunities may realize that in most cases it is actually cheaper to travel the world than to stay at home. Many people take the opportunity of a recession to travel the world. They will grab their savings and go! Whether they have lost their job, or are at the risk of losing their job, they take matters into their own hands and live their dreams.

When one knows a few savvy tricks, world travel only costs $1,000 a month or less, and that is without sacrificing any fun. During a recession, with travel costs at rock bottom prices, the traveler can do and see a lot more than would usually be possible.

Money doesn’t disappear. Money moves. That is another benefit of travel during a recession. You can go where the money goes and find ample opportunities for employment while traveling in foreign countries.

Instead of letting a recession take control of you, take control of the opportunity it presents and do what you have always wanted to do while prices are dirt cheap!

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Hike Iceland - My Commune with a Glacier

To me there is nothing better than getting outdoors and going for a nice long trek. I love the adventure, the physical challenge and exploring new places. I also have a certain proclivity towards glaciers. I think that they are amazing, though I have never actually seen one up close. […]
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