Jefferson Santos is a name who is becoming extremely popular on the internet today for his success as an MLM marketer. World Ventures is one of the companies he markets for. This Jefferson Santos review will examine World Ventures.
The quick background of World Ventures is it was a company that was started by two men who claimed that their business would become a billion dollar earner in the travel industry in a short period of time. It is a bold claim, but with the storefront travel industry decreasing from 60,000 to 6,000 in the US, it is clear the internet is the place to go.
So, how has Jefferson Santos earned such good money through the World Ventures Company? To become a World Ventures marketer you must first become a member of the company. There are three ways to do this: pay an initial $99 fee, purchase a $350 Leisure Travel Consultant (LTC) Package and a reduced $49.99 fee, or purchase both the LTC Package and the DreamTrips Membership for $350 and the reduced $49.99 fee.
Joining is the easy part. Once you have joined though it is time to begin earning money which is where MLM marketing skills come into play. What you are trying to sell is the DreamTrips membership, which allows people to purchase wholesale travel options, or the consultant package, which will sign them up to become a member of the company.
You need to be a good MLM marketer because you are not actually selling a product. You are either selling membership into the company or a package that allows people to receive cheaper travel options, neither of which is a solid product. Being effective at acquiring leads and being a good marketer is what has allowed Jefferson to rise to the top.
The travel industry is something that will not be going away anytime soon. People are always looking for a vacation; they just changed how they look for their vacation. The internet marketers who take advantage of that and go to the internet and set up shop are going to get the results they want.
Jefferson Santos was an excellent MLM marketer who saw an upcoming business opportunity, World Ventures, as an opportunity to use his skills to earn good money. Hopefully this Jefferson Santos review has given you the basic information of his MLM marketing and will help you decide if you should follow in his steps.